Reaching for an off-the-shelf solution like Wordpress, Joomla, Shopify, Magento are a common, quick and cheap option for business owners to get a website or online shop live. However, these off-the-shelf, generic solutions are not the right fit for all business owners. Customer requirements and demands reach far beyond the offerings of these "boxed" solutions and this is why our greatest asset, our PLATFORM, was born in 2008.
Top Reasons Why Clients Prefer Our PLATFORM?
1 - One login please! Amalgamate all business processes into one dashboard, one login and throw away all these passwords and multiple logins for managing your business
2 - I Need it to do this, then that and then the other! Many clients that knock on our door have already had experiences with off-the-shelf solutions in the life-time of their business. We take it to another level, we offer a pen and a blank sheet of paper to business owners. We ask them what is it they want. The parts they loved from their off-the-shelf platform and what parts were missing... we simply mix these together and viola, deliver what they really need to grow their business.
3 - Stop Hacking my site! Each year we rescue many clients who are tired of trying to manage their once fresh, fancy live site but now their designer or developer has disappeared and they have no-one to get them out of a scary mess. These clients want security, a team of experts to support their business
4 - Big Data! With up to 20 spreadsheets and separate databases, business owners have a headache extracting import key figures and metrics that help grow business profits. We consolidate key data into one solution on our PLATFORM and business owners, supervisors, administration staff can all access key information to support their daily activities.
5 - A 5 Year Plan: if you want to do things right, then looking at a 5 year plan for your business is key. Off-the-shelf solutions are great for short-term, low budget requirements. However, like all things in life, the real deal is a planned, step-by-step phased approach to gain the best rewards and save the most money. This my dear is what we do Very Well!
I'm sure you still have lots of questions....? Why not talk to us, we would be delighted to answer all of your questions. Connect with us today